strength revolution
coaching part one. medical form.

Please complete the medical questions on this page and read over the informed consent notes that follow in part two.

If you’re not sure, or just have a quick question please contact me for guidance.

part two terms & Conditions/informed consent


I am voluntarily engaging in an exercise programme which may also include healthy eating guidance offered by Personal Trainer/Strength Coach Byron Johnston also known as Strength Revolution.

If you are a parent or legal guardian this section applies to the child or children you are requesting coaching for.

I recognise that the programme involves strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to, muscle strength and endurance training, cardiovascular conditioning and training and other various fitness activities.

This exercise programming would involve exercising with barbells, dumbbells, resistance machines as well as cardiovascular exercise including bodyweight exercises, and machines such as rowers, cross trainers and treadmills.

I understand that use of the exercise and kinds of equipment listed above may lead to musculoskeletal strains, pain and injury if adequate warm-up, gradual progression, and safety procedures are not consistently followed.

The exercise programme is designed to place a gradually increasing workload on the cardiovascular and muscular systems and thereby improve their function. 

The reaction of the cardiovascular and muscular system to such exercise cannot always be predicted with complete accuracy. There is a risk of certain changes that might occur during or following the exercise. These changes could relate to blood pressure or heart rate.

I declare that I am in good physical condition and that I have no disability, impairment or ailment preventing me from engaging in active or passive exercise that will be detrimental to heart, safety, or comfort, or physical condition.

I understand that if I have any concerns about my current health status it is my responsibility to consult with my doctor prior to and regarding my participating in this exercise programme and to receive prior approval to participate. 

I understand that all forms of exercise involve some risk of injury. I accept complete sole responsibility for any injuries or damages which may occur during and/or after exercising.

If you have selected YES to any of the questions in the medical questions section of the sign up form you should refer to your doctor for guidance before proceeding with this service.

I hereby acknowledge that I have been advised of the risks of the fitness programme. 

I understand these risks and consent to proceed with the exercise programme and I agree to release Byron Johnston from all legal responsibility. 


Billing On The Day: In-person coaching sessions are to be paid for on the day of the session in cash or by card. If for any reason you are unable to pay for a session on the day you agree to make payment within one week following the training session.

Memberships & Online Coaching: Are set to a rolling monthly contract. There is no minimum number of months you are contracted to.

Cancellation By You: If you need to cancel an in-person training session please provide me at least 24 hours notice in advance.
Sessions cancelled within 24 hours are chargeable unless in specified situations of personal or family emergency.

Cancellation By Me: I will try to give as much advanced warning of a cancellation as possible. The session would be rebooked and no charge would be made for a session cancelled by me. If cancelled within 24 hours notice by me you would be given a complimentary 60 minute session.

Refunds: Refunds are not possible for past training sessions that have already taken place.

Data: Your personal information is kept in confidentiality. I will not pass onwards your private information or contact details without requesting your consent beforehand. (An example might include referral to another health professional such as a registered dietician or other specialist).

Filming During Coaching Sessions: From time to time I may use my smartphone to record me coaching you. This enables me to review and refine my coaching ability and provide an ongoing improvement to the service I provide. I usually forward these form videos to you to also review for your learning process of the lifts. From time to time I may also use a still photo or short coaching clip for promotional purposes. You can request for any session or exercise to not be recorded or shared if you would prefer.

Legal: Any claims made against Byron Johnston and Strength Revolution must be brought about in England (United Kingdom).